

chronology of the universe



Age Epoch Temperature Redshift Comment
Planck epoch
1E-43s 1E32K
Grand unification epoch Gravity separates.
1E-36s 1E28K
Electroweak epoch Strong nuclear force becomes distinct from electroweak forces.
1E-33s 1E27K
1E-32s 1E22K Primordial density fluctuations arise.
Reheating Reheat to 1E27K. Quark-gluon plasma
Unknown Physics
1E-12s 1E15K
Quark epoch Weak nuclear force separates.
Baryon to antibaryon constituencies are established.
1E-6s 1E12K
Hadron epoch Quarks combine to form hadrons.
Possible formation of primordial black holes.
Neutrinos decouple with electrons and positrons @~0.4s (1MeV).
1s 1E10K 4E9 Hadrons and anti-hadrons annihilate each other.
Lepton epoch The neutron to proton ratio freezes out.
Protons and neutrons stop converting @0.84MeV.
10s 3E9K 1E9
Photon epoch Leptons are no longer produced by collisions of photons.
200s 1E9K 3E8
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis There are nucleosynthesis of light elements: ^{4}He, D, ^{3}He, Li.
1200s 1E7K
The universe consists of a plasma of nuclei, electrons, and photons.
Matter-radiation equality @z~3220
Helium recombination @z~2000
2E5yr 4000K 1500
Recombination Nuclei (protons) combine with electrons to create neutral (hydrogen) atoms.
3.8E5yr Photon decoupling 3000K 1100 Cosmic microwave background is formed.
Dark ages Baryons exist mainly in the form of hydrogen and helium atomic gases.
The baryons and the radiation are completely decoupled@z~200
1E8yr 30K 30
Structure formation Cosmic dawn Earliest stars emerge.
Reionization 10 Neutral hydrogen atoms split back into a plasma of free electrons and protons.
1E9yr 19K 7
Modern galaxies is formed.
star-formation peak@z~1.9
Matter-Dark energy equality@z~0.3
1.38E10yr Present time 2.7K 0



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