使用EMCEE Python模块运行MCMC

In [1]:

# 导入写好的似然函数
import sys
from likelihood import LCDM

import os
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
import emcee

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:

def LCDM_loglike(theta,prioru,priord):
    flagup = theta>np.array(prioru)
    flagdown = theta<np.array(priord)
    if np.logical_or(flagup, flagdown).any(): return -np.inf
    H0, Magnitude, Omegam = theta
    loglike = LCDM(H0, Magnitude, Omegam).xx
    return loglike

In [3]:

def run_mcmc(params_list, nsteps=1000):
    Runs MCMC using EMCEE Python module and returns a dictionary of parameter samples
    params_list -- list of lists containing name, initial value, prior and label information
    nsteps -- number of MCMC steps (default 1000)

    samples_dict -- dictionary of parameter samples containing the following keys:
        'names' -- list of parameter names
        'labels' -- list of parameter labels
        'samples' -- array of parameter sample values
        'chi2' -- minimum chi2 value
    n_params = len(params_list)
    priord = [p[2][0] for p in params_list]
    prioru = [p[2][1] for p in params_list]
    inits = [p[1] for p in params_list]
    nwalkers = n_params*3
    ndim = n_params
    pos = inits + 0.01 * np.random.randn(nwalkers, ndim)
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, LCDM_loglike,args=(prioru,priord),pool=Pool())
    sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsteps, progress=True)
    tau = sampler.get_autocorr_time()
    burnin = int(2 * np.max(tau))
    thin = int(0.5 * np.min(tau))
    samples = sampler.get_chain(discard=burnin, thin=thin, flat=True)
    loglikevalues = sampler.get_log_prob(discard=burnin, thin=thin, flat=True)
    names, _, _,labels = zip(*params_list)
    samples_dict = {
            'names': names,
            'labels': labels,
            'samples': samples,
            'chi2': -2*max(loglikevalues)
    return samples_dict

In [4]:

params_list = [
    ['H0', 70, (60, 80), 'H_0'],
    ['Mag',-19, (-20, -18), 'M'],
    ['omegam',0.3, (0, 1), '\Omega_m']

In [5]:

samples_dict = run_mcmc(params_list, nsteps=5000)
100%|███████████████████████| 5000/5000 [01:03<00:00, 78.49it/s]

In [6]:

np.save('../Chains/LCDM.npy', samples_dict) 

In [7]:

load_dict = np.load('../Chains/LCDM.npy',allow_pickle=True).item()

In [8]:

from getdist import plots,MCSamples
samples = MCSamples(samples=load_dict['samples'], names=load_dict['names'], labels=load_dict['labels'])
g = plots.get_subplot_plotter()
g.triangle_plot(samples, filled=True)#title_limit=1
plt.savefig('contour.pdf', dpi=1200, bbox_inches='tight')

Removed 0.3 as burn in

In [9]:

[ 73.43026861 -19.2482022    0.33267774  -0.50098339] [1.01714236 0.02965232 0.01813599 0.02720399] 1522.9870255193334


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使用EMCEE Python模块运行MCMC”下有一个评论:

  1. 更精确地求最小chi2:
    import scipy.optimize as op
    def chi2(theta):

    def optimization(init,method):
    fun=lambda theta:chi2



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